About the Specialisation Verification Framework |
About the videos |
The Specialisation Verification Framework helps you demonstrate to older people that your organisation delivers inclusive services for people who identify with one or more of the special needs groups listed in the Aged Care Act 1997.
The Framework supports you to develop your inclusive services and communicate them to older people. By engaging with the Specialisation Verification Framework you’ll have a better understanding of how you can move towards inclusive service delivery. The Framework is tremendously beneficial whether you apply for Verification or not. Verification will be necessary when you’re ready to promote your services on My Aged Care as the best fit for people who identify with special needs groups. |
These videos and resources support you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework and how it can benefit your organisation & the older people you work with. Each video focuses on people and communities recognised as special needs groups under the Aged Care Act 1997.
The videos are edited versions of online workshops held with CHSP Providers. In the videos, we hear from experienced specialist service providers, peak bodies and community representatives. The Towards Specialisation series is presented by the Eastern SSD Partnership SSD Connect Alliance, and Bayside City Council SSD. |
Towards Specialisation |People who are Financially or Socially Disadvantaged, Experiencing or at Risk of Homelessness
This video supports you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework & how it can benefit your organisation & older people who are financially or socially disadvantaged, homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
The video gives you:
👇🏼 Download the Resources List PDF 👇🏼 Download the workshop slides PDF |
Towards Specialisation | LGBTI people
This video supports you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework & how it can benefit your organisation & older LGBTI people.
An understanding of how the Specialisation Verification Framework supports you to offer services that are the best fit for older people who identify as LGBTI
The panel features:
👇🏼Download the workshop slides |
Towards Specialisation | Veterans
This video supports you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework & how it can benefit your organisation & older Veterans.
The video gives you:
👇🏼 Download the Veterans Slides PDF |
Towards Specialisation | Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
This video supports you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework & how it can benefit your organisation & older people from culturally & linguistically diverse communities.
The video gives you:
The panel features:
👇🏼Download the CALD resources PDF 👇🏼Download the workshop slides PDF |
Towards Specialisation | Care Leavers
This video supports you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework & how it can benefit your organisation & older people who are Care Leavers (including Stolen Generations).
The video gives you:
The panel features:
👇🏼 Download the Care Leaver resources PDF 👇🏼 Download the workshop slides PDF |
Towards Specialisation | Forced Adoption
This video supports you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework & how it can benefit your organisation & older people who are affected by forced adoption.
This video gives you: An understanding of how the Specialisation Verification Framework supports you to offer services that are the best fit for older people affected by Forced Adoption
The panel features:
👇🏼 Download the Forced Adoption Resources PDF 👇🏼 Download the workshop slides PDF IF THIS VIDEO BROUGHT UP ISSUES OR CONCERNS You can contact: