Creating welcoming and inclusive environments and delivering services that promote person-centred practice is integral to establishing responsive services that respect people’s preferences. So how does inclusive access and person-centred practice intersect?
Valuing diversity and creating an inclusive and welcoming environment is about recognising, respecting and drawing on the positive aspect of difference whilst proactively challenging discrimination and removing the barriers and disadvantage that people can experience. The positive steps we take to empower people and communities to be active participants and leaders is at the core of creating inclusive access. Developing services that respond to the diverse backgrounds, interests and needs of people will ensure they feel valued and are receiving services that are appropriate and person-centred. Person-centred care requires us to look at the whole person and recognise that each person’s journey will be different. We are all unique and shaped by a variety of areas:
If we adapt to meet a person’s own unique characteristics, capabilities and strengths while being responsive to their changing needs and circumstances we can use this knowledge to support people to be active participants in all aspects of their own care, enabling them to have control and make decisions about their care To access further information about inclusive access and person centred care visit our resources page and select Connecting the Pieces |